Saturday was the Beach Hop in Whangamata. It was cool and an amazingly gorgeous day out! As long as its not raining, 'cold' fall weather here is really enjoyable!! The first thing I saw (well, after walking by a few cars) was this street performer. For some reason, I always get sucked in. He balanced this on his chin (in pretty intense winds...)

Bella enjoyed dancing with her grandpa to all the different bands.

And it was amazing.. because, for the first time since being in NZ, I saw LOADS of people. -random side note, I don't like Figs...they are gross!-

Now, for the car pics!!

And a dorky touristy American flag pics to go with all the American flags I saw...

That night, I finally celebrated my BIRTHDAY. Belinda made me homemade brownies, with hokey pokey ice cream, and chrunchie bar sprinkled on top. -the funny story is... she had made them awhile back and I looked at her and straight face and serious said 'I didn't know you could make them from scrath, I thought they just came out of a box.' Yes, my friends, I know NOTHING about cooking, and can't seem to make the ones in the box let alone home made ones.

I play scrabble online with Lena and David and Belindas mom loves she challenged me...I got beat two nights in a row. I'm glad I'm a good loser. I just love board games!

That was my Saturday. Oh, and we had a very colorful vegetarian 'birthday' dinner for me too!! Yay!
(if anyone knows how to make these pictures NEXT to each other... I'd be much appreciated to learn how. Its annoying that they all line down the thing!)