Well, we survived the weather bomb... as it was being called. It was a storm, with lots of rain, huge gusts of wind and lots more rain.
Eh, if you ask me, thats winter for ya.
Haha, I guess Tairua came out of it pretty well. Auckland, Thames and lots of other towns lost power but lil ol Tairua got through the storm ok!
I sat and watched lots of kids DVDs during the rain, or listened to loads of kids music. I coudln't get motivated to do anything. And I stayed upstairs cuz I thought it was warmer plus the sound is better. I love the sounds of storms! The rain and wind is great!
Internet, cell phone reception and free view did go out here though (i'm thinking thats because of power outages in other areas though!)
Anyhoo. We came through fabulous... with loads of avocados cuz I noticed Carl has huge piles on the stairs this morning, so they must've all fallen off the tree. At least I don't have to go pick them now!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Just Oscar
I had just Oscar for Wednesday and Thursday this week.
Only got the camera out one day.
I spent lots of time walking with him. He is loving to walk while holding onto *both* hands...but hates if you only give him one.
I took him to the Rugby field with the walker so he could go a little farther than the house allows. And he walked on the footpath (sidewalk). His little legs get tired...cuz he starts crying after so long and just stops...and doesn't know what to do.

He loves to watch kids...they could be doing anything. So he stood at the fence and watched the girls at netball practice.

I've stopped caring him and am making him walk. It takes longer but especially since it was just him and I, I could take the time
My goal, for him, is that he will be walking by the time I leave at the end of August! :-)
Only got the camera out one day.
I spent lots of time walking with him. He is loving to walk while holding onto *both* hands...but hates if you only give him one.
I took him to the Rugby field with the walker so he could go a little farther than the house allows. And he walked on the footpath (sidewalk). His little legs get tired...cuz he starts crying after so long and just stops...and doesn't know what to do.
He loves to watch kids...they could be doing anything. So he stood at the fence and watched the girls at netball practice.
I've stopped caring him and am making him walk. It takes longer but especially since it was just him and I, I could take the time
My goal, for him, is that he will be walking by the time I leave at the end of August! :-)
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Do you guys remember RAFFI??
I believe that Raffi laid the cornerstone and foundation for ALL childrens performers that have followed him. His music is still amazing. Its ageless and timeless. Its just as fun and relevent today as when we were kids.
I know this because as a preschool teacher the kids loved the wiggles (they had just come out around then) but I wanted to show them music from my childhood so I went and bought Raffi's Box of Sunshine (a 3 cd set, his 5th, 6th, and 7th cds) and they couldn't get enough of the songs.
In London Both Mia and Anna LOVED the songs. The silly ones I would sing...ya brush your teeth, or the ones I could find online (baby beluga, bananphone, etc). They were silly and loved them.
Kids LOVE raffi. Seeing as Bella (and Oscar) love listening to music, I thought what better birthday present....then a RAFFI CD! She'll probably listen to it the first time and think, 'eh, not so great' (does it compare to dora?) but after the second or third time... she will be singing and 'dancing her wiggles out' like every other kid I've ever seen when listening to Raffi. And... speaking of...so will Oscar.
So.. I've decided I'm going to spend a good chunk of money and get her a box set (cuz she'll never get any other of his CDs) for her birthday that's in 3 weeks!!
Is it sad that I'll probably be more excited than she is to have her open her present!!!
I thank my dad for being a crazy and silly kindergarten teacher and always listening to fun and exciting music. He literally had every kid RECORD and/or cd known to man (i swear). There was a reason he was such a great teacher...and I think some of his awesomeness with kids rubbed off on me. I sure love kids, love to be silly, and love to listen to Raffi (among other silly kids music!)
Ok, maybe not so much inspirational to you.. but Raffi has inspired many to follow in his footsteps and does not get the credit he deserves (lots goes to the wiggles who learned from the best!) and so this is my HATS OFF and KUDOS to Raffi for generations of fabulous entertainment. I never thought as an adult I'd love listening to you still!
I believe that Raffi laid the cornerstone and foundation for ALL childrens performers that have followed him. His music is still amazing. Its ageless and timeless. Its just as fun and relevent today as when we were kids.
I know this because as a preschool teacher the kids loved the wiggles (they had just come out around then) but I wanted to show them music from my childhood so I went and bought Raffi's Box of Sunshine (a 3 cd set, his 5th, 6th, and 7th cds) and they couldn't get enough of the songs.

In London Both Mia and Anna LOVED the songs. The silly ones I would sing...ya brush your teeth, or the ones I could find online (baby beluga, bananphone, etc). They were silly and loved them.
Kids LOVE raffi. Seeing as Bella (and Oscar) love listening to music, I thought what better birthday present....then a RAFFI CD! She'll probably listen to it the first time and think, 'eh, not so great' (does it compare to dora?) but after the second or third time... she will be singing and 'dancing her wiggles out' like every other kid I've ever seen when listening to Raffi. And... speaking of...so will Oscar.
So.. I've decided I'm going to spend a good chunk of money and get her a box set (cuz she'll never get any other of his CDs) for her birthday that's in 3 weeks!!

Is it sad that I'll probably be more excited than she is to have her open her present!!!
I thank my dad for being a crazy and silly kindergarten teacher and always listening to fun and exciting music. He literally had every kid RECORD and/or cd known to man (i swear). There was a reason he was such a great teacher...and I think some of his awesomeness with kids rubbed off on me. I sure love kids, love to be silly, and love to listen to Raffi (among other silly kids music!)
Ok, maybe not so much inspirational to you.. but Raffi has inspired many to follow in his footsteps and does not get the credit he deserves (lots goes to the wiggles who learned from the best!) and so this is my HATS OFF and KUDOS to Raffi for generations of fabulous entertainment. I never thought as an adult I'd love listening to you still!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Sleep is NOT overrated
Is it normal to lay in bed and not be able to fall asleep. I think I need to start taking my meds earlier. Two of them cause drowsiness but I've always had issues with them affecting me waking up... not falling asleep. So maybe if I take them in the morning (can I remember) I'll be drowsy by night time? Or if I take them at lunch time I'll be drowsy at bed time?
I dunno but this does NOT seem normal. Do most people blog in the middle of the night (after laying in bed for hours and not being able to fall asleep, I resort back to the computer)?
It doesn't matter if I wake up between 8 and 9 (I don't rise much earlier than that! I'm still not able to go to sleep at night. Then I'm just exhausted the next morning....can't fall asleep... this will continue for a few days until I sleep for at least 12 hours...many times more.
I think I'm the only adult that needs between 8-10 hours of sleep a night to be able to function. Seriously, I've ALWAYS had sleep issues. And my bodies clock has always been on a 3 or 4 am to noon thing. Not sure why but that really doesn't help me function in society! That much I know.
Plus, say I've got my sleep under control for a week... I'll get a freakin migraine... and the only thing I do with those is sleep...so then my sleep schedule is all screwed up again. UGH.
Its a never ending cycle in my life! Hmm, now that I think about it, I did talk to my doctor about it. That is why we picked the migraine preventatives we did (to see if they helped with sleep) and they help with migraines (may not seem like it to many people, but I get A LOT less) but the sleep thing is still out of control.
(Anyone from FFJHS remember the play we saw with the song.... "normal, am I normal"-- not sure why but it ALWAYS goes through my head. I'm pretty sure I'm done with puberty and don't need to be thinking about that song!)
I've tried so many different remedies for sleep. This week I'm going to get out of bed at 8 am. (at least M-Th and maybe that willl get me sleepy early. But...we'll see. I am going to have sleep in Friday...cuz that's my favorite day of the week!)
Ok, this is all jibberish so I'm going to turn the computer off and try to fall asleep again. Night night
I dunno but this does NOT seem normal. Do most people blog in the middle of the night (after laying in bed for hours and not being able to fall asleep, I resort back to the computer)?
It doesn't matter if I wake up between 8 and 9 (I don't rise much earlier than that! I'm still not able to go to sleep at night. Then I'm just exhausted the next morning....can't fall asleep... this will continue for a few days until I sleep for at least 12 hours...many times more.
I think I'm the only adult that needs between 8-10 hours of sleep a night to be able to function. Seriously, I've ALWAYS had sleep issues. And my bodies clock has always been on a 3 or 4 am to noon thing. Not sure why but that really doesn't help me function in society! That much I know.
Plus, say I've got my sleep under control for a week... I'll get a freakin migraine... and the only thing I do with those is sleep...so then my sleep schedule is all screwed up again. UGH.
Its a never ending cycle in my life! Hmm, now that I think about it, I did talk to my doctor about it. That is why we picked the migraine preventatives we did (to see if they helped with sleep) and they help with migraines (may not seem like it to many people, but I get A LOT less) but the sleep thing is still out of control.
(Anyone from FFJHS remember the play we saw with the song.... "normal, am I normal"-- not sure why but it ALWAYS goes through my head. I'm pretty sure I'm done with puberty and don't need to be thinking about that song!)
I've tried so many different remedies for sleep. This week I'm going to get out of bed at 8 am. (at least M-Th and maybe that willl get me sleepy early. But...we'll see. I am going to have sleep in Friday...cuz that's my favorite day of the week!)
Ok, this is all jibberish so I'm going to turn the computer off and try to fall asleep again. Night night
Sunday, July 20, 2008
I started another blog... don't feel compelled to read it.
I'm doing it more for me. I like to write down my thoughts (obviously) and have come across some new ideas on stuff lately. Maybe that one will be more 'journally' (is that a word) and this one will go back to just reporting some cool facts.
Eh, who knows. If you do want to look... http://juliesnow.blogspot.com
Yes, I know I'm a retard... but.. hey, at least I admit it, right?
I'm doing it more for me. I like to write down my thoughts (obviously) and have come across some new ideas on stuff lately. Maybe that one will be more 'journally' (is that a word) and this one will go back to just reporting some cool facts.
Eh, who knows. If you do want to look... http://juliesnow.blogspot.com
Yes, I know I'm a retard... but.. hey, at least I admit it, right?
toiletry bag happiness

I just ordered this off of LL Bean. I've been debating and looking for a good toiletry bag for awhile now. I have a small one (however, it is in London) but when I travel for more than a few days having small bottles gets to be a problem. So this will allow me to have my FULL size bottles. I hate the one I got last year for backpacking it just caused the bottles to leak and spill everywhere...and plus I ended up buying big lotions and putting them in ziplock bags in what became a 2nd toiletry bag (of refills). This should solve the problem. I got the Large....I figured, the family would've been perfect and held my massive amount of crap...but too big! :-) I'll only travel with what fits in the one I get! Yay! In my tiredness though (its almost 3 am, I can't sleep) I had it sent here... instead of my moms. I guess either way I was going to have to pay for international shipping. I was going to have it sent with my perscription refills though.. bummer. Now I guess we'll just do those alone...unless a certain someone *ahem* wants to send me a certain book, *ahem* you know who you are!!!
Wow, is that the LONGEST blog ever about a simple toiletry bag? I'm sure it is...but I'm excited...I really have been looking for one for awhile and couldn't settle (here's to hoping I actually like it!!) Is it sad that I just spent OVER 1/4 a weeks salary on it? haha, granted, (almost) half of that was shipping.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Since EVERYONE seems to have been skydiving but me...
is the price of the video/pics worth it.
All told it'll end up being about $500 NZ for the jump and the pics/video. Now if it was cheaper to jsut get pics, I would but its only about $10 cheaper.
They'd be awesome to have, right? Or no. Eh, maybe if I can get someone to go.. I can just get someone on the ground to take pics? I know it won't be as awesome BUT, i'd be saving almost $200. And...that is a WEEKS salary. (it already takes a little over 2 weeks just to pay my student loans, so that'd be more than a months salary gone after skydiving and student loans!)
AND THEN... if that wasn't enough of a decision. I could do my Scuba certification for $500 NZ. That would last longer and not be a once in a lifetime thing. Wouldn't that be great? I've wanted to do it forever. I feel like I need to be a lil better shape first though...and get my doctor to sign off on my medical form for it. (ugh, stupid meds!)
I really wanna do both! Maybe I'll look into prices of diving in Wellington? That could make a big difference because that is a good price but its in the Coromandel and I'm only here another month.
What would you do?
is the price of the video/pics worth it.
All told it'll end up being about $500 NZ for the jump and the pics/video. Now if it was cheaper to jsut get pics, I would but its only about $10 cheaper.
They'd be awesome to have, right? Or no. Eh, maybe if I can get someone to go.. I can just get someone on the ground to take pics? I know it won't be as awesome BUT, i'd be saving almost $200. And...that is a WEEKS salary. (it already takes a little over 2 weeks just to pay my student loans, so that'd be more than a months salary gone after skydiving and student loans!)
AND THEN... if that wasn't enough of a decision. I could do my Scuba certification for $500 NZ. That would last longer and not be a once in a lifetime thing. Wouldn't that be great? I've wanted to do it forever. I feel like I need to be a lil better shape first though...and get my doctor to sign off on my medical form for it. (ugh, stupid meds!)
I really wanna do both! Maybe I'll look into prices of diving in Wellington? That could make a big difference because that is a good price but its in the Coromandel and I'm only here another month.
What would you do?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
more oldies of my mommy and I right as I left for the plane
uploading some old pics
I was loading some pics onto my computer from CDs from when I was back in Sac ... here's one of Heather and I (and my disastrous hair that I couldn't figure out what to do.. I think I did more to my hair that night then ever... to have it be normal and just a lil flipped!!), my bestie Lena, and John... Then some of the after of the girls night back at Heathers was fun.. (Heather attacked me for a pic... then I attacked Lena...then proceeded to fall and get stuck between the chairs). Then we made pizza! Ah, miss you girlies!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Whiti farm park
Sunday, July 13, 2008
colorful faces
Rainy Saturday
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Rainy Days...
Are nice on weekends, I suppose?
Watched the movie on Charlie Wilson and some Wiggles, and Barney today.
Then made an awesome Apricot and white chocolate Museli and then a fantastical Mac n Cheese (with a little curry powder and other spices, baked with breadcrumbs and all!)
Why didn't I learn to make that years ago??
Watched the movie on Charlie Wilson and some Wiggles, and Barney today.
Then made an awesome Apricot and white chocolate Museli and then a fantastical Mac n Cheese (with a little curry powder and other spices, baked with breadcrumbs and all!)
Why didn't I learn to make that years ago??
Friday, July 11, 2008

Honor 7-Eleven day....by getting a FREE slurpee!! I always think about their free slurpees but never go. I suppose it does me no good here in New Zealand! Plus, I'm not even thinking about cold drinks because unlike you Sacramento folks in the triple digits, I'm freezing! I am not a fan of winter!
I only randomly noticed the 7/11 because [in the rest of the world] the date is first and then the month here.
11-7-2008 (11 July, 2008)
Thats my two cents!
On thursday Bella and I started our ocean art projects. (When I was in London Mia and Anna made a bunch of different ocean stuff to decorate the sides of their beds so Bella is going to decorate one of her walls.) It was great because Oscar slept in the morning so we were able to do a couple different crafts. However, I didn't take pictures because...she wanted me to do it with her...so I was all covered with paint, glue, etc.
Then during her nap, I got the paint back out for Oscar. He lasted maybe a minute painting, if that!

Then during her nap, I got the paint back out for Oscar. He lasted maybe a minute painting, if that!
lil cars
Oscar lines up all his cars...then pushes the last one...which causes the line to collapse...so he then proceeds to build the entire line again in a new spot...sometimes driving over roads (the blue thing)... building lines...moving cars...repeat! It can keep him happy for long periods (well, in Oscar time!)

bum shuffle
This is a lil video of how Oscar Bosca bum shuffles. Notice he doesn't use his hands like most kids do. He just pulls himself with his legs...and throws his body forward. Its really cute.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
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