Bella and I had dorky hats and had made one for Tayla too but Binds ended up wearing up.
The fireworks were on my hat!
The salads were great (and even BETTER today, as macaroni salad gets better the next day) and I had everyone try THOUSAND island on their burgers inpsired by my much missed IN n OUT! (Everyone liked it!)
All in all, I had a great 4th, great American food (I got my moms recipes-if you can call it that, as to what to put in the salads, since I like hers the best!), great drinks (we should've had bud, right?) and everyone wore Red, White and Blue! They did ask if they had to do anything special before dinner... seeing as on the last American Holiday they celebrated they all had to go around the table and say what they were thankful for. I replied, "yup, you have to say why you like me since I'm the only american here".
Oh, and it took Carl a good hour after he got home and the others got here of noticing everyone was wearing RWB and American flags to figure out it was the 4th (I think it was mentioned in conversation). He was like, "I wondered if were having an American welcome party" or something to that nature, it was pretty funny. I guess he wasn't informed of the purpose behind the dinner, just that we were having one!
LOL... i love it an American Welcome party... That is great that they celebrate your holiday's with you.. good job on cooking the dinner! your outfits look great
This is awesome you and the new family are teaching each other so much about each others cultures!!
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