Today was a VERY long, LONG day. It was one of those endless days where it seemed that one of the two kiddos was screaming, crying, or doing something else equally annoying and getting sent to time out (that was just bella)... and a great day to want to hand them back at 4...but of course (this always happens!) I worked late tonight!
Ugh. But... I got to have burritos for dinner... with loads of avocados!
We did make Bella's cupcakes for school tomorrow. I'm going to spend the whole day with them at Country kids tomorrow... so... that should be fun. I'm super tired...literally exhausted, so hopefully I wake up in the morning!
Here are a couple pics (of the million I took today) of the highlights (making cupcakes, being in baskets, playing Thomas snakes and ladders, Oscar screaming at the gate for almost 30 mins for Belinda, bathtime, and Bells with her one cupcake she got to eat today.
Here's to hoping tomorrow is easier (there are teachers i just get to play..hopefully)
UGH. I'm in bed and hoping to be asleep before 9!
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