so... i believe I get my paid for the first time tonight.. from the temp agency.
It is for only 3 days (and not even a full day on Friday) so it won't be too much. And considering I've spent a bunch getting stuff.. its def already spent.
They are hiring for a finance asst position.. the finance chick is like.. hire Julie. The HR person, said 'to bad she's with an agency.' Hmph. Basically I've done the work they said was going to take 2 weeks in one. I'm starting another project tomorrow and giving people a couple more days to look into it. The last person they had do this must've been stupid because they couldn't figure out any of it.
I did give Adele my CV today.. but I don't think I am allowed to be hired by a company I temp for...unless they pay the fees... which they obviously don't want to pay. And I would technically still be employed by the temp agency and not Site Safe... unless I apply so many months after I'm done with teh agency? I dunno.
But.. sounds like they've got some other stuff for me to do so I'm sure I'll at least be there the two weeks that they originally said.
Hmm.. just looked it up and I can't accept or apply for a job with a company that I 'met through select' for 6 months. but how would they know??
The people are really nice... and real full time job would be nice though!
That is my update. I've officially worked full time a week, woohoo!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hmm.. where did I last leave off?? I'm pretty sure I said I was going to update more...but I'm never home.. therefore another long post!
Friday was cool. I had an interview. Even if I don't get the job, it was good experience, and by far my best interview EVER! So either way, I'm happy. I'm loving the NZ Friday Drinks thing. I get paid to sit around and drink free alcohol at work! Awesome.. must get full time job, as this is great plus. (The company I'm temping with is really great, the are so inclusive of everything...even of their temps!)) I went out with one of the girls and her friends for the after work round. Then was stariving and thourouly buzzed, and it was only 7! Eventually I went with Malcolm (martin, and a bunch of others) to J.J.s, Motel, Alice, Kitty O'Sheas, and then Pete and I went to Mighty Mighty. Made a new friend or two that night! yay for new people in town, my friend Amy! Picked up my PJs and headed out to Miramar since I was going to spend the day there Sat anyways. Think I fell asleep around 5ish...right before the sun came blasting through the window!

Sat was a totally laid back day, it was great. I had forgotten a brush though.. my hair wasn't to hott! I hung out and read while Pete played video games. Eventually we went for a walk... where he proceeded to throw and break his camera...which means we have no pics of it! Then I sat and read "The Time Travelers Wife" all day while pete played some PS3 game? I don't think I've 'hung out' with someone all day before and said so little to them.. it was pretty funny. Eventually I started and watched a bit of Transformers. Then we left to come into town. I came back and touched up and then we went to a few bars. Everywhere was PACKED because of the rugby game... and it wasn't really possible to even watch it was so crowded, so we headed to a place without tvs! Stayed at Good Luck for 2 drinks and then headed over to San Fran. Had a great night there. Met up with Amy again (the other new girl) and met two more new people (well, more than that) but really hung out with them. Of course, they are WETA people, since everyone is! Eventually we went and got falafels... since someone wouldn't give me dinner!!

Umm, I woke up bright and early Sunday (not quite sure if its because I've slept enough in the past 6 months to last awhile, or what but I haven't had loads of sleep at all...totally unlike me!)! Hung out with Malcolm for a bit and then got ready. Met up with Amy at the loads of fruits and veggies to use this week! Then we met up with Ben and headed over to Bambalinas on Eva St (which is the st i'm staying on currently!) He bought us both omletes and lattes, what an awesome guy! Then we walked down Lambton and went to Parliaments Open House day. (so I could get my free balloon). However, as we were leaving a girl was hysterical cuz hers had blown I gave her both of mine. I didn't end up with a balloon, but felt great! :-) Then we chilled at different points around the water front for the rest of the afternoon. I went grocery shopping. And then some CSers that Malcolm knows made us dinner (they like to cook, and I had groceries, score!) Then it was early to sleep for me! But while I was laying in bed, the room shook. At first I thought it was just people upstairs.. cuz everything is pretty 'weak' in NZ... but nope, it happened again. IT was totally an earthquake. Awesome. Then I was out! (oh i just read that it was a 5.2.. nothing huge but it was still cool and shaky)

Monday I got woken up by a great phone call from my mom and brother. Too bad I had slept in 20 extra mins so I was in a rush to get in the shower and didn't have time to talk. (I'd hit snooze for 30 mins prior!) But the day at work started off with me not having a computer for an hour... awesome, i read for a bit! Then it was work as normal. Totally loving the 'working' thing. I'm loving getting up and getting dressed up, and doing my make up and hair. Its totally something oppossite of what i've done for the last year and I LOVE it!

I am absolutely LOVING meeting new people and hanging out. I love the cafe and bar scene here. Its fun to go out and make friends, and just walk around town. I'm enjoying myself loads! yay!
Friday was cool. I had an interview. Even if I don't get the job, it was good experience, and by far my best interview EVER! So either way, I'm happy. I'm loving the NZ Friday Drinks thing. I get paid to sit around and drink free alcohol at work! Awesome.. must get full time job, as this is great plus. (The company I'm temping with is really great, the are so inclusive of everything...even of their temps!)) I went out with one of the girls and her friends for the after work round. Then was stariving and thourouly buzzed, and it was only 7! Eventually I went with Malcolm (martin, and a bunch of others) to J.J.s, Motel, Alice, Kitty O'Sheas, and then Pete and I went to Mighty Mighty. Made a new friend or two that night! yay for new people in town, my friend Amy! Picked up my PJs and headed out to Miramar since I was going to spend the day there Sat anyways. Think I fell asleep around 5ish...right before the sun came blasting through the window!

Sat was a totally laid back day, it was great. I had forgotten a brush though.. my hair wasn't to hott! I hung out and read while Pete played video games. Eventually we went for a walk... where he proceeded to throw and break his camera...which means we have no pics of it! Then I sat and read "The Time Travelers Wife" all day while pete played some PS3 game? I don't think I've 'hung out' with someone all day before and said so little to them.. it was pretty funny. Eventually I started and watched a bit of Transformers. Then we left to come into town. I came back and touched up and then we went to a few bars. Everywhere was PACKED because of the rugby game... and it wasn't really possible to even watch it was so crowded, so we headed to a place without tvs! Stayed at Good Luck for 2 drinks and then headed over to San Fran. Had a great night there. Met up with Amy again (the other new girl) and met two more new people (well, more than that) but really hung out with them. Of course, they are WETA people, since everyone is! Eventually we went and got falafels... since someone wouldn't give me dinner!!
Umm, I woke up bright and early Sunday (not quite sure if its because I've slept enough in the past 6 months to last awhile, or what but I haven't had loads of sleep at all...totally unlike me!)! Hung out with Malcolm for a bit and then got ready. Met up with Amy at the loads of fruits and veggies to use this week! Then we met up with Ben and headed over to Bambalinas on Eva St (which is the st i'm staying on currently!) He bought us both omletes and lattes, what an awesome guy! Then we walked down Lambton and went to Parliaments Open House day. (so I could get my free balloon). However, as we were leaving a girl was hysterical cuz hers had blown I gave her both of mine. I didn't end up with a balloon, but felt great! :-) Then we chilled at different points around the water front for the rest of the afternoon. I went grocery shopping. And then some CSers that Malcolm knows made us dinner (they like to cook, and I had groceries, score!) Then it was early to sleep for me! But while I was laying in bed, the room shook. At first I thought it was just people upstairs.. cuz everything is pretty 'weak' in NZ... but nope, it happened again. IT was totally an earthquake. Awesome. Then I was out! (oh i just read that it was a 5.2.. nothing huge but it was still cool and shaky)
Monday I got woken up by a great phone call from my mom and brother. Too bad I had slept in 20 extra mins so I was in a rush to get in the shower and didn't have time to talk. (I'd hit snooze for 30 mins prior!) But the day at work started off with me not having a computer for an hour... awesome, i read for a bit! Then it was work as normal. Totally loving the 'working' thing. I'm loving getting up and getting dressed up, and doing my make up and hair. Its totally something oppossite of what i've done for the last year and I LOVE it!
I am absolutely LOVING meeting new people and hanging out. I love the cafe and bar scene here. Its fun to go out and make friends, and just walk around town. I'm enjoying myself loads! yay!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
2 days temping
First two days of temping...
I'm calling people that paid Site Safe in 2007 and enquiring about their payments. The only info I have is whatever the direct deposit said (usually not even a full company name), a date, and an amount. Its been fun to try to track down the invoice/reference numbers. People are laughing because I'm calling about stufff that is so old! I'm sure I would too.
They thought I'd have to call each individual branch in the database for a lot of companies (because the info doesn't say which one the deposit was for) but I've cut out the million phone calls and been figuring out the corporate headquarters numbers (for ones where there is a million) and jut been talking to accounts payable that way.... as they have the info for the branches! Its made life a little easier.
Its gonna be fun next week when all I have are account numbers from banks.. I really don't think some of it can ever be tracked.. it'll just sit there forever!
I love it.. one company said today. If its extra, (they believe they made two payments) because one hadn't processed, to just put it into the companies social fun, because the accounts person doesn't want to deal with it... since its so old! He also said I had a great kiwi accent... ummm... yeah, i don't have a kiwi accent. He was pretty friendly.
Today was much better than yesterday.. which took forever! Wish me luck in loooking for a full time real job.
Ok, thats all! Have a great day!
I'm calling people that paid Site Safe in 2007 and enquiring about their payments. The only info I have is whatever the direct deposit said (usually not even a full company name), a date, and an amount. Its been fun to try to track down the invoice/reference numbers. People are laughing because I'm calling about stufff that is so old! I'm sure I would too.
They thought I'd have to call each individual branch in the database for a lot of companies (because the info doesn't say which one the deposit was for) but I've cut out the million phone calls and been figuring out the corporate headquarters numbers (for ones where there is a million) and jut been talking to accounts payable that way.... as they have the info for the branches! Its made life a little easier.
Its gonna be fun next week when all I have are account numbers from banks.. I really don't think some of it can ever be tracked.. it'll just sit there forever!
I love it.. one company said today. If its extra, (they believe they made two payments) because one hadn't processed, to just put it into the companies social fun, because the accounts person doesn't want to deal with it... since its so old! He also said I had a great kiwi accent... ummm... yeah, i don't have a kiwi accent. He was pretty friendly.
Today was much better than yesterday.. which took forever! Wish me luck in loooking for a full time real job.
Ok, thats all! Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Welly...the first few days
(sorry about the pics sizes, i messed it all up!!!)
Well, I woke up at 3:30 last Thursday and got ready and waited for the shuttle to pick me up!! Then it was time to go to the airport! I was sooo early.. but didn't really have a choice as I got to pick between getting 330, 4 or 430 for a 645 flight...I did pick the latest option!! Checking my luggage was fun. I had to pay i think about $115 overage fees because my bags weighed too much. (Hey, you're allowed two -very large- suitcases when you come from the states, so I had plenty of stuff! Plus, I'd gotten rid of lots as well! I think I did quite well!) Anyhoo. Got to Wellington and texted Malcolm to wake him up... figured I could wait instead of waking him up super early to come get me. Eventually got to the flat.
I unpacked, cleaned a little, and moved the funiture around so its a little easier to function in there a bit. Let me just say that Malcolm is the best guy ever for letting me stay here for a week or two while I get settled and look for a place, job, etc! I went shopping... was shocked by the price of groceries.. oh my goodness!! A couple other random things that day. Then I cooked dinner and we ate. Then it was time to meet with up the CSers at the coffee shop for an hour and then the movie quiz.
Friday wasn't a great day. Woke up expecting to continue the job hunt (had been sending lots of resumes, apps out!) and found out my mom was in teh hospital. Then I found out she was having an angiogram and may have to have heart surgery. So basically I cried and couldn't focus until I knew what was happening. It was just not nice to be that far away.. and not really have any connection to what was happening. It didn't help that I was so stranded (my brother did update me) but I was just sitting waiting... and not knowing when they started, etc... so that sucked! Anyhoo, eventually I found out she was not going to have surgery so I let out a huge breathe! Yay! Umm.. i don't even know what I did the rest of the day. I think I walked around a bit looking for apps.. .but stupid me had forgotten to print out my CVs (you have to think my frame of mind that day) and so it ended up being a pretty useless day! Came home and decided I'd go buy a cute 'interview outfit' since I noticed a sale! I don't have much business clothes here... so its a must. I was pretty exhausted so I wasn't gonna go out.. even though it was my first weekend night in town. Malcolm and I watched a bit of the video I made and he got pizza at like 8 or 9. I think we were both asleep by 930.
Sat was great. Umm. Not sure what I did now that I think of it! More applications online... eventually I went to The Warehouse. I bought a comforter and some things to hang up in the wardrobe to put shoes and stuff in, since I'll need the stuff when I move anways! I had been freezing and the additional blanket really helped. Of course, more money spent! But, I'll need a blanket (and I bought a duvet cover) for a bed where ever I move. (why hadn't I thought of things like that). I've also bought some random things... like a dish rack, soap, cheese gratter, etc (at the $2 shop!) for the flat... that I can take or leave depending on where I go. That night we went to dinner with a group of CSers. Then it was coffee. Then some bars. My favorite is Kitty O'Sheas... not sure why I like it.. its pretty low key, and they have music... plus its Irish! Umm, think I came home around 330 am.

Sunday I was up at 845 and Malcolm and I made eggs and toast for breakfast. Then I went out with a bunch of people. Met up at the Te Papa cafe, then we walked around the waterfront, went to the book fair, almost went to the brewery (but it was expensive), and then tried to decide where to eat... but with so many people it took forever to decide to do anything! Eventually, we stopped at New World and got stuff (backpacker style lunch for me!). Then it was on to the Cable Car. After the Cable Car we walked down through the botanical gardens, stopping at the playground (which was extremely full since it was Fathers day and a nice sunny day!) and stopping every two stops to take pics (everyone was acting as a tourist, even though all 7/8 live in town!). Eventuall, it was back to another coffee shop, then I went to dinner where I sat while others ate (couldn't afford to coffees and two meals out in a day...even if the first meal was cheap grocery store!) then came home and ate left overs!

Monday morning I applied for some more jobs online. Then got a call from Select (a temp agency) so I made an apt to go in. Spent time running around printing off my CVs, and such. Eventually made it there. Turns out Select also has Select Education.. so it ended up being the perfect place for me to go and a two-for-one temp agency deal for me! yay! Spent the afternoon doing horrible on the tests, but interviewing great (who would've thunk!), then came home and made dinner. Pumpkin cantelonni (and I even baked chicken.. you should all be proud of me!) I met up with pete last night and we saw Tropic Thunder at 915...then it was bed time.
Today I was in the shower when the temp called. By the time I called them back.. they had already filled the job for the day! Ugh! Was looking online for more long term jobs (as I'd taken care of the hopeful short term prospect) and eventually found out my mommy got released today. Then within about 10 mins I got 4 calls from people. I got a call from Select lining up a 2 week job. then right after I hung up the other side (select education) called seeing if I was available.. i'm actually glad that the other side beat them to it! I'd rather work in an office.. to get some experience.. since I have loads with childcare. But its nice to know thats a fall back. Then I got a call to line up an interview on Friday for a receptionist position I applied for. Then, while I was on the phone with them another temp agency called and left a message. Ahh.. oh, and my brother called twice while they kept calling.. it was a funny 15 mins! Then I realized I have no 'business attire' and went shopping! yay, but ahh, boo for spending money before I earn it. I didn't go too crazy though and am limiting myself! No more clothes for awhile! (Only allowed to buy a black belt I need or a purse that I really need!) Now I'm chilling and then tonight is poker night. I'm just gonna go hang out. Not into playing. Maybe get a drink and then come back early cuz I'm pretty tired and I wanna make sure I'm up early and ready to go!
Ok, if you actually read all that.. wow, good job!! I'm gonna get back into posting more and they won't be as long!
Well, I woke up at 3:30 last Thursday and got ready and waited for the shuttle to pick me up!! Then it was time to go to the airport! I was sooo early.. but didn't really have a choice as I got to pick between getting 330, 4 or 430 for a 645 flight...I did pick the latest option!! Checking my luggage was fun. I had to pay i think about $115 overage fees because my bags weighed too much. (Hey, you're allowed two -very large- suitcases when you come from the states, so I had plenty of stuff! Plus, I'd gotten rid of lots as well! I think I did quite well!) Anyhoo. Got to Wellington and texted Malcolm to wake him up... figured I could wait instead of waking him up super early to come get me. Eventually got to the flat.
I unpacked, cleaned a little, and moved the funiture around so its a little easier to function in there a bit. Let me just say that Malcolm is the best guy ever for letting me stay here for a week or two while I get settled and look for a place, job, etc! I went shopping... was shocked by the price of groceries.. oh my goodness!! A couple other random things that day. Then I cooked dinner and we ate. Then it was time to meet with up the CSers at the coffee shop for an hour and then the movie quiz.
Friday wasn't a great day. Woke up expecting to continue the job hunt (had been sending lots of resumes, apps out!) and found out my mom was in teh hospital. Then I found out she was having an angiogram and may have to have heart surgery. So basically I cried and couldn't focus until I knew what was happening. It was just not nice to be that far away.. and not really have any connection to what was happening. It didn't help that I was so stranded (my brother did update me) but I was just sitting waiting... and not knowing when they started, etc... so that sucked! Anyhoo, eventually I found out she was not going to have surgery so I let out a huge breathe! Yay! Umm.. i don't even know what I did the rest of the day. I think I walked around a bit looking for apps.. .but stupid me had forgotten to print out my CVs (you have to think my frame of mind that day) and so it ended up being a pretty useless day! Came home and decided I'd go buy a cute 'interview outfit' since I noticed a sale! I don't have much business clothes here... so its a must. I was pretty exhausted so I wasn't gonna go out.. even though it was my first weekend night in town. Malcolm and I watched a bit of the video I made and he got pizza at like 8 or 9. I think we were both asleep by 930.
Sat was great. Umm. Not sure what I did now that I think of it! More applications online... eventually I went to The Warehouse. I bought a comforter and some things to hang up in the wardrobe to put shoes and stuff in, since I'll need the stuff when I move anways! I had been freezing and the additional blanket really helped. Of course, more money spent! But, I'll need a blanket (and I bought a duvet cover) for a bed where ever I move. (why hadn't I thought of things like that). I've also bought some random things... like a dish rack, soap, cheese gratter, etc (at the $2 shop!) for the flat... that I can take or leave depending on where I go. That night we went to dinner with a group of CSers. Then it was coffee. Then some bars. My favorite is Kitty O'Sheas... not sure why I like it.. its pretty low key, and they have music... plus its Irish! Umm, think I came home around 330 am.
Sunday I was up at 845 and Malcolm and I made eggs and toast for breakfast. Then I went out with a bunch of people. Met up at the Te Papa cafe, then we walked around the waterfront, went to the book fair, almost went to the brewery (but it was expensive), and then tried to decide where to eat... but with so many people it took forever to decide to do anything! Eventually, we stopped at New World and got stuff (backpacker style lunch for me!). Then it was on to the Cable Car. After the Cable Car we walked down through the botanical gardens, stopping at the playground (which was extremely full since it was Fathers day and a nice sunny day!) and stopping every two stops to take pics (everyone was acting as a tourist, even though all 7/8 live in town!). Eventuall, it was back to another coffee shop, then I went to dinner where I sat while others ate (couldn't afford to coffees and two meals out in a day...even if the first meal was cheap grocery store!) then came home and ate left overs!

Monday morning I applied for some more jobs online. Then got a call from Select (a temp agency) so I made an apt to go in. Spent time running around printing off my CVs, and such. Eventually made it there. Turns out Select also has Select Education.. so it ended up being the perfect place for me to go and a two-for-one temp agency deal for me! yay! Spent the afternoon doing horrible on the tests, but interviewing great (who would've thunk!), then came home and made dinner. Pumpkin cantelonni (and I even baked chicken.. you should all be proud of me!) I met up with pete last night and we saw Tropic Thunder at 915...then it was bed time.
Today I was in the shower when the temp called. By the time I called them back.. they had already filled the job for the day! Ugh! Was looking online for more long term jobs (as I'd taken care of the hopeful short term prospect) and eventually found out my mommy got released today. Then within about 10 mins I got 4 calls from people. I got a call from Select lining up a 2 week job. then right after I hung up the other side (select education) called seeing if I was available.. i'm actually glad that the other side beat them to it! I'd rather work in an office.. to get some experience.. since I have loads with childcare. But its nice to know thats a fall back. Then I got a call to line up an interview on Friday for a receptionist position I applied for. Then, while I was on the phone with them another temp agency called and left a message. Ahh.. oh, and my brother called twice while they kept calling.. it was a funny 15 mins! Then I realized I have no 'business attire' and went shopping! yay, but ahh, boo for spending money before I earn it. I didn't go too crazy though and am limiting myself! No more clothes for awhile! (Only allowed to buy a black belt I need or a purse that I really need!) Now I'm chilling and then tonight is poker night. I'm just gonna go hang out. Not into playing. Maybe get a drink and then come back early cuz I'm pretty tired and I wanna make sure I'm up early and ready to go!
Ok, if you actually read all that.. wow, good job!! I'm gonna get back into posting more and they won't be as long!
Monday, September 08, 2008
The end (with added pics)
wow.. where do I begin??
I'll make this blog about the end of my time in Tairua. (and then do another one about the move)
So.. I can't believe how fast the 6 months went. It was so crazy fast. Literally. The last few days where nice weather so we got to spend some time outside... yay!!! Took the kids to the park (and on the way got ice cream) on my last day. And got some cute pics.
Friday was another sunny sunny day... Belinda treated me to a great lunch at a cafe and then I worked on some CV stuff and then it was time to leave with Des.
The weekend was spent in Whitianga having fun at the Scallop Festival.
Friday night we had some people at the Bach and drank a bit... and called it a night pretty early. Got up super early the next day.. and it was raining!! So yup.. scallop fest in the rain!!
Haha, the volunteer time went so fast it was crazy. At about 12:20 I finished, to find a soaking wet backpack (in the motorhome shower!) but that was quickly taken care of because I got my 6 pack of beer! I think drank 4 in about 30 mins...and then just hung out and drank beers for the rest of the day. Eventually went to Subway. Waited in line for the toilets... and it was forever long.. the second time... i went in the mens!
We left around 5 to go to the bar.. and more drinking and hanging out. So... eventually I was pretty tired (it was only 7!) and hungry and not wanting to buy food or drinks.. so I thought, hey, if i walk back to the bach there is loads of food there!
So we walk back... and I take a bite of an apple.. and it was too much effort! I was falling asleep on the couch and a few mins later other people started coming. I eventually made the bed and was out by 8! It was sad. I wasn't passed out drunk I was just exhausted!!
So Sunday was clean up and then back to Tairua! We watched the movie and just chilled. Great low key day! I got a great kiwi cookbook with some great pics in it of the kids (some doing baking!) and of the recipes I'd tried while I was there!!
Oh... great news.. Oscar is walking.. that was teh goal when I went.. to have him walking by the time I left! First it was the bike.. and then walking! YAY! He still won't say Julie though. I will here it eventually!!
Yeah, so I can't believe that I've already been away a week. Its pretty crazy. I watched the video I made again... (well part of it on friday before I went to sleep exhausted.. again at 9! with the 'semi-roommate'). I already miss the kids so much. Its crazy when you're with people so much how the little things... like the hugs you miss!! So I'm already talking to people here about planning a road trip in the summer... or during the Pohutaka (ok, i've no clue how to spell that and not looking it up!!) fest! or whenever!!
Anyways. I loved my time with the Belinda, Carl, Bella and Oscar! I had a blast and can't believe how fast it passed. And yeah, not getting emotional!!
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