Friday was cool. I had an interview. Even if I don't get the job, it was good experience, and by far my best interview EVER! So either way, I'm happy. I'm loving the NZ Friday Drinks thing. I get paid to sit around and drink free alcohol at work! Awesome.. must get full time job, as this is great plus. (The company I'm temping with is really great, the are so inclusive of everything...even of their temps!)) I went out with one of the girls and her friends for the after work round. Then was stariving and thourouly buzzed, and it was only 7! Eventually I went with Malcolm (martin, and a bunch of others) to J.J.s, Motel, Alice, Kitty O'Sheas, and then Pete and I went to Mighty Mighty. Made a new friend or two that night! yay for new people in town, my friend Amy! Picked up my PJs and headed out to Miramar since I was going to spend the day there Sat anyways. Think I fell asleep around 5ish...right before the sun came blasting through the window!

Sat was a totally laid back day, it was great. I had forgotten a brush though.. my hair wasn't to hott! I hung out and read while Pete played video games. Eventually we went for a walk... where he proceeded to throw and break his camera...which means we have no pics of it! Then I sat and read "The Time Travelers Wife" all day while pete played some PS3 game? I don't think I've 'hung out' with someone all day before and said so little to them.. it was pretty funny. Eventually I started and watched a bit of Transformers. Then we left to come into town. I came back and touched up and then we went to a few bars. Everywhere was PACKED because of the rugby game... and it wasn't really possible to even watch it was so crowded, so we headed to a place without tvs! Stayed at Good Luck for 2 drinks and then headed over to San Fran. Had a great night there. Met up with Amy again (the other new girl) and met two more new people (well, more than that) but really hung out with them. Of course, they are WETA people, since everyone is! Eventually we went and got falafels... since someone wouldn't give me dinner!!
Umm, I woke up bright and early Sunday (not quite sure if its because I've slept enough in the past 6 months to last awhile, or what but I haven't had loads of sleep at all...totally unlike me!)! Hung out with Malcolm for a bit and then got ready. Met up with Amy at the loads of fruits and veggies to use this week! Then we met up with Ben and headed over to Bambalinas on Eva St (which is the st i'm staying on currently!) He bought us both omletes and lattes, what an awesome guy! Then we walked down Lambton and went to Parliaments Open House day. (so I could get my free balloon). However, as we were leaving a girl was hysterical cuz hers had blown I gave her both of mine. I didn't end up with a balloon, but felt great! :-) Then we chilled at different points around the water front for the rest of the afternoon. I went grocery shopping. And then some CSers that Malcolm knows made us dinner (they like to cook, and I had groceries, score!) Then it was early to sleep for me! But while I was laying in bed, the room shook. At first I thought it was just people upstairs.. cuz everything is pretty 'weak' in NZ... but nope, it happened again. IT was totally an earthquake. Awesome. Then I was out! (oh i just read that it was a 5.2.. nothing huge but it was still cool and shaky)
Monday I got woken up by a great phone call from my mom and brother. Too bad I had slept in 20 extra mins so I was in a rush to get in the shower and didn't have time to talk. (I'd hit snooze for 30 mins prior!) But the day at work started off with me not having a computer for an hour... awesome, i read for a bit! Then it was work as normal. Totally loving the 'working' thing. I'm loving getting up and getting dressed up, and doing my make up and hair. Its totally something oppossite of what i've done for the last year and I LOVE it!
I am absolutely LOVING meeting new people and hanging out. I love the cafe and bar scene here. Its fun to go out and make friends, and just walk around town. I'm enjoying myself loads! yay!
1 comment:
YAY sounds like a lot of fun! I'm totally jealous but happy for you! Hopefully you get the full time job soon! Okay going to work some more now. I love you best friend YAY for making new friends!
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