Saturday, October 11, 2008

I <3 Welly

Wow... time sure flies when you're having fun!!!

I am not online for very long these days... typically long enough to check my email, etc....never just sitting at the computer.

Two weekends ago I went to Castlepoint with Amy and Pete. It was loads of fun. We stopped in Featherston (and thought the car died, until old bald guy fixed it, by getting shocked!) then Masterton for lunch and coffee. Then it was off to the lighthouse...we climbed on the sides and stuff (where all the signs say you aren't supposed to be) and then climbed up the other lil mountain on the other side. It was a great day of being out in the gorgeous (albiet, extremely windy.... the gale force winds had shut stuff down earlier) day! Then it was time for dinner (where I couldn't even stay in the place because the deep fried smell was making me sick... ew!) I had some plain spaghetti at the place. We then played cards and drank some wine for the rest of the night. A few highlights from the weekend: 'watch out for that puddle,' 4 bottles of wine, a broken car, extremely extremely windy, the camera taking a pic cutting off Petes head, and lots more.

The next weekend I went to Ohakune (the carrot capital of NZ) with Same, Ryan and Amy so we could go skiing. I rented snow blades, which are little skis and I was actually able to control myself and turn and the like. The weather was nasty and you could hardly see through the rain and was a little scary because the green slope has a huge cliff! Yeah, luckily I went really slow down every time with Sam (he was snowboarding)...the two of us spent a lot of time in the cafe! Both nights were spent playing card games and drinking a lil wine. Great times were had by all!! A few highlights: Sam getting denied a fried egg at the gumboot manor on the way up, the nasty conditions where we all suceeded in the goal of the day, Ryan flying backwards out of the chair and breaking the wine glass, the lodge being annoyed that I ruined a dish towel when I spilt wine Friday night, spa time, my first geocache, buying a 10 KG bag of carrots, taking pics at the carrot and then sharing the carrot love, the windy gorgoeus roads (where Amy and I got nasty car sick!), and of course BULLS!

Umm... I started work at NZTA (New Zealand Transport Agency) 2 weeks ago. I'm a Commercial Road Transport Administrator who sits at the receptionist desk (i do great people when they come out of teh elevator, but don't answer phones!). I process a lot of stuff that has to do with Licences for taxi and bus drivers, people with shuttles, farm vehicles, people who want exemptions for certain licences..and then I also am tracking the taxi enforcement officers goings on....recording all the taxi checks, tickets, sending out the warning letters, etc. Its a lot of work but its pretty cool. Its neat to learn all this...and so good. I'm there through Christmas but might be able to stay until I leave NZ. (its been a temp position for 3 years... and they are hoping once they move in March to finally make it permanent, and it'd be cool to maybe stay til they do).

My social life is crazy busy. Pretty much am always with Amy. I am playing volleyball in a fun adult league on Wednesdays and Sundays (however I didn't get to play Wed because I had a killer migraine! UGH!) I am pretty active (depending on teh event) with the couchsurfing group and friends from that. I am meeting new people all the time. Game nights are awesomely fun.... been a few spa nights... and we have a few more road trips planned already!

Hmm.. I think thats it for now. I'll post pics eventually... typically they are on my facebook so if you do want to see... make a facebook!

The coolest news I ever could've recieved I got this morning... My brother Robb and Marc got officially married this morning! I'm so excited for them but just wish I could've been there with them on this great occasion!! I hope all of you vote NO on PROP 8 because there marriage should be able to stay legal. Love you guys and CONGRATS on finally being married!

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