Cathedral Cove is about 45km away up the Coromandel Penisula from Tairua and some scenes from the newest Narnia movie were shot you might recognize it?!
It was a fun walk down. Half way there we were stopped while a herd of cows crossed the path... I'm serious! There were farmers herding them doing calls, with farm dogs and everything.
When we got there I was taking loads of pics (a rainbow on a little waterfall, etc) while the kids had food with Belinda. While we were all walking away a bird came over and literally took and ENTIRE banana, it was pretty funny. I thought it was stealing part of an eaten banana not a whole one.
Bella did NOT like the 'cave' and wouldn't take pics with her mom or I in it. We barely got her to walk through it. It was quite funny.
We played and looked in the rock pools.
Then we hiked back up. Bella was tired and cranky so I ended up saying I'd give her a piggy back on the flat part but she'd have to walk the uphill part (come on, I am out of shape and she was sliding all over the place)! Instead, Binds and I powerwalked since we were able to actually walk at a reasonable pace up the hill and it was easier to just get up the hill struggling with her on my back then put her down. It wasn't super steep or anything. I still probably would've been out of breath since I'm so out of shape... but lugging her on my back and the backpack on my front sure made it fun!
She wasn't going to share her chocolate treat...but after that journey, thankfully she did!
1 comment:
YAY for the hike with the kids and Belinda.... i love that picture of Cathedral Cove it looks amazing...
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