My 'job' was to watch one of Tracy's kids and she'd watch the other! Aaron is 4 and autitistic and Nathan is 2 and ADHD! So needless to say she needed an extra set of hands with her!
The way there was dark and extremely wet with some lightning! I had one or two kids sitting with me at different times. Hunter (who I know from playcentre) sat behind me and sat with me for awhile... he's such an adorble cute kid!!
Luckily, once we arrived it had cleared up a bit and didn't start to rain again until we had gotten the outdoors stuff out of the way!
I had to run after each one of the boys at least once as did Tracy and numerous occasions!! They are super quick!!! And Nathan likes to throw himself on the ground if he's unhappy (actually, Aaron did that once as well).
I think we spent more time on the bus then at butterfly creek, but it was a fun day! Gotta love the picking nose, he kept himself entertained for awhile on the bus... eventually I gave up trying to stop and let him sit quietly doing that! They LOVED Nemo and Dory and sat for long times watching them. Enjoy some of the pics...
Here are some pics (of Hunter, Aaron-who loved taking pics, and Nathan)!!
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