Saturday, April 17, 2010

Don Det, Laos

AMAZING 2 days spent on Don Det, a quaint place in the 4000 islands.

A group of 5 of us: myself, Rich, Brett and two newbies from the bus, Karina and Damesh spent the time together. The first day we rented bikes and biked around Don Khon (or something??), spent a morning swimming in a waterfall, a 'beach', relaxing around the island and just taking it all in. It was an amazing low key day and lots of fun. Not much to say about it except you had to be there cuz it was amazing.

The next morning we set out on a 'boat' with 5 others for a group of 10. We spent the day floating and swimming in different parts of the Mekong, drinking, talking and just chilling. Another amazing awesome day! Again, had to be there.

Chilled, relaxed and some of the best adventures had in ages = Awesome. I love chilled out days exploring and just relaxing taking in the sites. Has to be one of my most favorite parts of travel. Love it!

1 comment:

Meg and Joe said...

I love hearing your adventures!!