Saturday, April 17, 2010

Phnom Penh, Kompong Cham to Kratie

Back to Phnom Penh where a lot of nothing happened. Supposedly had to stay there to get my visa for Laos. Basically wasted a couple days to get that processed and spent my days baking in the heat and uploading photos. Exciting, right? NO! Wasting a lot of money and time. And I got ripped off on the visa. They charged $50 and turns out I could've bought it at the border for 34.... stupid stupid stupid!

Next to Kompong Cham where I took we took a tuk tuk ride from hell out to some supposedly awesome Wat (temple) that was made of wood. It looked like all the others though, oh well. After we were supposed to go to a village full of silk weaving. Well, the driver took us to a different one than was listed in the lonely planet.... think he just wanted to save time and gas as it was closer. That was pretty amazing to see how time consuming the process is. Its insane!! After we rented bikes and road over this awesome bamboo bridge and around and island. Its rebuilt every year during the dry season and taken down during the wet. It doesn't look like it would support the weight of a motorbike let alone a car... yet everything went on it, even horses pulling farm stuff!

The next afternoon took us to Kratie where the mission was to find the ever allusive freshwater Irrawaddy River dolphin. They were pretty cool and while on the boat we noticed Brett on another. The sunset on the Mekong during the boat cruise was the best i'd seen in Cambodia, fitting for my last night there.

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