Monday, April 26, 2010

Stairwell acrobatics


Am I lucky to be alive.

I was walking down the flight of stairs... and once a klutz... always a klutz.

My ankle gave out on me.

I went FLYING.

I did a somersault.

I flew down some more stairs.

And then I CRASHED, SMACKED, and landed.

on TILE.

I was wearing both my backpacks.

Thank goodness.

Well, I could've get up because my arms were bent back in a way (and if you've worn 2 you know how hard it is to get them off) that I couldn't move them.

My legs were already black and blue in spots.

BUT I didn't hit my head or snap anything. And I'm thankful as heck.

Thank goodness. My backpacks really saved me, in that, I know for a fact.

The couple I'd hung out with on and off for the day ran over and helped me up, Marie ran down as well.

Guess what I got to do right after this awesome acrobatic display?

Yup, you guessed it... get on a 8 hour bus trip!

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