Friday, June 13, 2008

Mud Day (and a little background)

Playcentre is something in NZ that towns have that parents go to with their kids to play with. Some go to socialize with the adults instead of play with their kids, and that totally bothers me. (similiar to play groups, but govt funded) You can talk some of the time but really do you need to sit and gossip while I push you kid on the swing the entire time? Ok, besides the point? That being said... there are theme days or different activities and stuff.

Tairua's playcentre is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I go Tuesday with Belinda and Thursday I try to take the kids on my own. We don't always make it but its an easy place to escape to.

On May 29th Bella was at Nanas and Oscar and I went to Mud Day! Now he wanted NOTHING to do with the mud in the boat that all the big kids were playing with. He loves to sit and watch people do anything and was perfectly content to do that with the mud as well.

Not me! I wanted to get muddy! Ok, not really, but come on, an excuse to play with mud and shaving cream, 3 days before winter starts does it get any better than that!! So I had fun sitting with him on the grass and getting his hands and legs mudding and trying to get him to play with it while he watched the bigs. I put him on the slide (which had mud on it and plopped down into a pile of mud) and he didn't like it! He was more than happy to change and get out of his messy clothes! Man, he's not like that at home!!

1 comment:

Lena said...

Yea that is so you... the kid doesn't want to play in the mud but the nanny does... No wonder why you are a nanny you are a big kid in disguise... Looks like a lot of fun..