Sunday, July 27, 2008

The bomb

Well, we survived the weather bomb... as it was being called. It was a storm, with lots of rain, huge gusts of wind and lots more rain.

Eh, if you ask me, thats winter for ya.

Haha, I guess Tairua came out of it pretty well. Auckland, Thames and lots of other towns lost power but lil ol Tairua got through the storm ok!

I sat and watched lots of kids DVDs during the rain, or listened to loads of kids music. I coudln't get motivated to do anything. And I stayed upstairs cuz I thought it was warmer plus the sound is better. I love the sounds of storms! The rain and wind is great!

Internet, cell phone reception and free view did go out here though (i'm thinking thats because of power outages in other areas though!)

Anyhoo. We came through fabulous... with loads of avocados cuz I noticed Carl has huge piles on the stairs this morning, so they must've all fallen off the tree. At least I don't have to go pick them now!

1 comment:

Lena said...

Sounds like alot of fun you had... At least you didn't have a migraine! congrats on that one...