Sunday, July 06, 2008

chapped and dry

I know you Northern hemisphere people can't relate right now.. since you'll be complaining of sunburns and the like... but DRY, WINTER CHAPPED hands and lips is driving me crazy. Even my scalp is dry. Its annoying!!

It happens every winter. And no matter how much lotion, different (special dry skin,etc) types, etc, it doesn't seem to go away at all during winter!!

AHhhhh.... To deal with this once a year is one thing... but I JUST dealt with this 4 months ago. (I remember buying so many special lotions in Dec/Jan!)

Anyone know any awesome remedies that might help me from going insane??

1 comment:

Lena said...

thats what you get for going somewhere in the winter... hope you figure out something to help with the dryness